The Aparitions of Our Lady
The apparitions of the Virgin, in the small town of Medjugorje (Bosnia-Herzegovina), began in 1981 when the visionaries, six children between ten and sixteen years old, saw the Virgin Mary on Apparition Hill.
From then until today, millions of people from the five continents have visited Medjugorje to live a spiritual experience that, on many occasions, has changed the lives of those who have come there on pilgrimage as demonstrated by the thousands of testimonies of healing and conversion. In addition to the hundreds of vocations, charitable works and new religious orders have emerged since then.
What has been called “The Medjugorje Phenomenon” is nothing other than the experience of living the teachings that the Virgin has given to humanity throughout these years through her messages that remind us of the teachings of the church. in order to achieve peace in the world and the conversion of all souls through prayer, fasting, reading the Bible, the sacraments and the Eucharist.
It all began on June 24, 1981. Below is the story of what happened in those first days.
The Medjugorje Phenomenon
History of the Apparitions
The Medjugorje apparitions are, within the Catholic Church, an event of periodic Marian apparitions that the Church studies today, apparitions that began in 1981 in the town of Bosnia and Herzegovina that give its name to the phenomenon.
The Medjugorje Phenomenon was born from the testimony of six visionaries, four women and two men who were, back in 1981, between 10 and 16 years old.
From this phenomenon, and while the Church follows the course of events with openness and prudence, a series of verifiable facts have arisen in the thousands of testimonies, vocations for conversion and healing, related to the event.
Since 1981, Medjugorje has become a spiritual phenomenon that has brought millions of pilgrims to this town from coun tries on the five continents and who in turn have taken to their countries of origin the spirituality learned there, derived from the messages of the Virgin Mary.

The duration of the event, the periodicity of the apparitions, the openness of the supposed visionaries and the times in which it is happening, make Medjugorje the first possible case of Marian apparitions that can be investigated, with all the means and knowledge available today. , both scientific and theological, while it is happening, and not once it has happened.
The Medjugorje Phenomenon would consist of a school of Christian life for today’s man, in which the Virgin Mary presents in a close and maternal way a program of dealing with God, within the Church, through prayer, the sacraments, the reading of the Word and the sacrifice.
This program is developed through the messages that the Virgin Mary would give to these six visionaries, each of them with a different periodicity, and also entrusting them with different missions to pray for and areas in which to develop their mission as witnesses.