The 10 Secrets

Since the apparitions began in Medjugorje in 1981, the Virgin Mary has communicated to three of the visionaries 10 secrets, which will be revealed to the world in due course. 

Our Mother appears every day because she has a very special mission: to seek peace in the world, to bring about conversions and to save humanity. 

For this reason, since the beginning of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in the village of Medjugorje, presenting herself to the world as the Queen of Peace, she has been entrusting a series of secrets to the visionaries, which will be revealed to the world in due course through one of the Franciscans of the Parish of St. James the Apostle.  Fr. Petar Ljubicic, chosen by Mirjana Dragicevic for this mission.  

However, the Franciscans don’t really like to talk about secrets because, after all, as Friar Slavko used to say: “secrets are secrets”. 

Our Lady told the visionaries: “Do not think about secrets. 

What Are the 10 Secrets of Medjugorje?

1st and 2nd SECRETS

These are two warnings for humanity, especially for the inhabitants of Medjugorje who will be the main recipients of the future events contained in these first two secrets. As a consequence, more people will come to Medjugorje and they will be of utmost importance for the official recognition of the Church. (Statements by Fr. Petar Ljubicic, priest chosen by Mirjana to announce the Secrets) 


It will be a visible sign in the Podbrdo, place of the first apparition. It will be a material sign, it will be visible and touchable, it will be indestructible and it will last forever. It will be a sign of conversion for everyone.

4th, 5th and 6th SECRETS

We don’t know anything about their contents.

7th and 8th SECRETS

It is known that the first one was mitigated because many people prayed and fasted. “With prayer and fasting you can achieve everything” “With prayer and fasting wars can be stopped…” (21/07/1982) “I have prayed. The punishment has been mitigated. Continual prayers and fasting reduce God’s punishments” (6/11/1982). 

9th and 10th SECRETS

These refer to all of humanity. They are “punishments” for the sins of men. If all mankind were converted, they could be mitigated “… But it is not possible to avoid punishment completely. Go into the world, count those who glorify God and those who offend Him. God can’t take this any longer. (6 /11/1982). 

"What I've told you over the years about secrets, it's not time to tell anyone yet."