Continuous Prayer of the Rosary and Fasting for the Intentions of Our Blessed Mother and her Plans of Peace in the World

When we pray and fast for the fulfillment of Our Blessed Mother’s plans of peace and her intentions, God works through Our Lady where it is most needed, in the way that is best. Join us in this beautiful initiative as we come together as a community to pray and fast, responding to the call of Our Blessed Mother.
Through the intercession of the Our Blessed Mother the Queen of Peace, we invite everyone in this time of grace to awaken in themselves the intention of a sincere decision to join in this unceasing prayer and fasting for peace, to become bearers of hope and to respond to the motherly call.
Join Us!
“Praying the Rosary and fasting have the power to change this world, to conquer evil, to end wars and
to bring peace to our hearts, to our families, and to the whole world.”

Messages of Our Blessed Mother on Prayer, Peace and Fasting:

How it works: Using the calendar below, chose the dates you would like to fast and/or pray the rosary and fill out the registration form with your information Using the calendar below, chose the dates you would like to fast and/or pray the rosary and fill out the registration form with your information and the following day your name will pop up in the list below.

Please dedicate yourself to praying or fasting on the day you sign up for. This way, we are consistently sending love and prayers to Jesus and Our Blessed Mother.

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