Dear friends of love!
Christmas should leave us speechless, in a silence of a gratitude!
It is because of a union of the human with the divine, earth with heaven, time with eternity, the finite with the infinite – all of this in one person, the person of Jesus Christ.
He became man! God became man! “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” (Jn 1:14) It is, therefore, important to be human, to respect life. If it is important to God to be human, then man must be important to us too! The fact that God became man is an expression of great love. This love creates, changes and lives. With His incarnation, the God of love redeems us from the brokenness that is our daily destiny. The incarnation, as the great theologian of the 20th century said, Hans Urs von Balthasar includes a “descending path”: Jesus walked all the way to the filth and mud of the human existence, finally accepting, as st. Paul said, “even death, death on a cross.” (Phil 2:8). Only love can do that!
We too must walk the same path: we must love people and give praise to God. Every day anew! In every encounter over and over again.
Merry Christmas!
Br. Jozo Grbeš, OFM
The Provincial