A day like today (November 26) in 2000, was the burial of Fray Slavko Barbarić, who had passed away two days earlier on Križevac after praying the Stations of the Cross. As a priest, he worked in Čapljina, Mostar, Blagaj, Humac, and on two occasions in Medjugorje. He left the greatest mark in Medjugorje, a mark that hasn’t faded even nearly a quarter of a century after his death. He wrote a large number of spiritual books that were translated into twenty languages and printed more than 20 million copies worldwide. He started many spiritual retreats, Mother’s Village, the community of the Merciful Father, and welcomed pilgrims… His legacy is present at every step.
On the 24th anniversary of the death of Fray Slavko Barbarić, the fifth prayer walk was held from his birthplace in Dragićina to his tomb in Medjugorje, and many pilgrims honored Fray Slavko by walking to pray the rosary on Apparition Hill. The Sunday Mass at St. James Church in Medjugorje was presided over by the parish priest, Fray Zvonimir Pavičić, who remembered Fray Slavko in his sermon.
The grammar in the translation looks good overall, but there are a few minor adjustments I would make to improve flow and clarity in English. Here’s an edited version:
“Today we remember Fray Slavko on the anniversary of his death, the day when he left this world. It is very difficult to speak about people who were great because those who were great were very humble.
It is hard to talk about them, and I believe that, first, Brother Slavko wouldn’t have wanted anything said about him, because even during his life he never pointed to himself, he never worried about himself, but instead led all people to God.
That is why, today, thinking about this love of Christ on the cross, we will take an excerpt from his book in which he tried to show people the beauty of Christ’s love for us, but he also taught people how we ourselves must learn from the cross of Christ.”
He says: “The cross is a sign of love and unity that leads to true peace. The cross is a sign, therefore a sign that must be followed. Where do you go when you accept the cross as your guide?”
It is not a one-directional sign, because one arm of the cross points to the sky and the other to man and the world. It shows the path of love and unity and leads to true peace. Man only trusts in the love that is willing to sacrifice itself and give its life for others. Here is where the truth of our love is shown and tested.
Love is spoken and sung about lightly, and sworn to, but its true meaning can only be seen in front of the cross. In fact, selfish desires and the pursuit of easy pleasures can sneak into the discourse on love, and when the time of the cross and suffering comes, many relationships may dissolve and disappear. The love that flees from the cross and goes in another direction breaks the family unity, just as a boat is shattered by the harsh rock in the sea. This is how many friendships break, and peace disappears. Only the love that accepts the cross and is willing to suffer for others creates unity in man and brings about unity between people, especially in the family.
Anyone who does not accept the cross of love, forgiveness, mercy, and kindness chooses to be unilateral, which is not good for a person. In order for a person to be fully realized in their heart, both directions must meet. The heart is the center where the directions shown by the cross converge, and balance is achieved.
The conversion observed in this time of grace, in the light of the cross as a guide, means seeking balance between the relationship with God and man. Any departure from the center causes imbalance, personal turmoil, and suffering, which then tragically manifests in the relationship with both God man.
Everything that causes this imbalance is called sin, which, like a malignant cell in the body, destroys joy and peace,” said Fray Zvonimir Pavičić, emphasizing that it was Jesus who showed us that perfect love on the cross and set the perfect standard for human and Christian life. Fray Zvonimir also referred to the celebration of Christ the King.
“On the feast of Jesus Christ, King of all creation, let us not allow His kingdom to pass us by. We are introduced into that kingdom through our baptism, but each person has the freedom to choose for that kingdom or abandon it. Jesus did not force anyone; Jesus preached and gave everyone the freedom to choose Him and His kingdom or leave it!” said Fray Zvonimir, explaining that Jesus gave us freedom because love cannot force or pressure, and it can only happen in the freedom of the heart.
“Let us accept Jesus’ call and not flee from the cross, but willingly take up the cross when it appears in our lives, just as Jesus carried His cross and showed us through His example that through the cross we can obtain our salvation, that the cross can heal many wounds, and that through the cross we reach the Kingdom of Heaven,” concluded Fray Zvonimir Pavičić.