Our second stop on Fr. Zvonimir’s visit to the USA was to the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche, in St. Augustine, Florida.
On September 8, 1565, Fr. Francisco Lopez De Mendoza Grajales arrived on the shores of present-day St. Augustine, Florida, a place place marked by a 208 foot-tall cross – which is the largest free-standing cross in the western hemisphere. Fr. Francisco and his fellow priests celebrated the first Mass on the land which eventually became the United States. With this sacred act, they consecrated this new land to God, through the intercession of Our Lady, for the spiritual needs of the Spanish settlers who would soon be arriving. Since this was the first Holy Mass ever celebrated in the territory of the America’s, it is considered to be the birthplace of the Catholic Church in the United States.
On the grounds of this profoundly peaceful site, we visited the little chapel which honors Our Lady of La Leche.
Local Medjugorje leaders were invited to a “meet and greet” at the Pilgrim Information Center of the Shrine, where we enjoyed lunch and offered people the opportunity to ask questions of Fr. Zvonimir, in a relaxed and enjoyable environment.
The main event was held at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine. We prayed the rosary together; listened to Fr. Zvonimir’s inspiring talk; celebrated the Mass, with a beautiful homily by Fr. Zvonimir; and concluded the prayer time with an hour of adoration before the blessed Sacrament!
Both in his reflections before Mass and in his homily, Fr. Zvonimir reminded us to seek that powerful encounter with our merciful God, in the sacrament of reconciliation:
As he said in his homily:
“When we are in sin, we are imprisoned. And only God can save us. The most beautiful image of this is the sacrament of confession. Our sins limit and destroy us. And when we confess, God frees us from our sins, opens all boundaries, and we feel that freedom physically. Many say they feel a sense of lightness and a feeling that they can fly when they confess. Because God has forgiven their sins and lifted the burden that sin presses upon a person. It is so vivid. Sin is the weight that presses us down and pulls us towards the earth, while God frees us from that burden, so we can soar and go towards heaven, for which we were created.”
This message is so necessary for this world, which is so in need of the embrace of our loving God!
Our final stop of the day was a wonderful time of fellowship and laughter as we shared a meal at a wonderful local Spanish restaurant. We were honored to have the beautiful priests who serve at the cathedral with us, Fr. John, Fr. Ignatius and Fr. Mac.
It was not lost on anyone how beautiful it was the Fr. Zvonimir brought the powerful, transformative message of Medjugorje to the place in which the roots of Catholicism were planted in the United States. May the seeds planted at this Medjugorje Evening of Prayer in St. Augustine, take root and continue to grow in the hearts of all who attended, in their families, and in the entire community.
At the end of the night our bodies were tired, but our hearts were overflowing with joy!
Next stop: San Diego, California