In the studio of Radio Mir Medjugorje, they interviewed the Apostolic Visitor, Msgr. Aldo Cavalli, and the president of the board of directors of the Mir Medjugorje Information Center, Fr. Danko Perutina. Fr. Danko was recently in the United States with his collaborators. They participated in the First Bilingual Conference Mary Queen of Peace. At which the recently inaugurated Mir Medjugorje English Information Center was presented.
The message of peace from Medjugorje is spreading to all corners of the world, so also the pilgrims from the United States want to be connected and familiar with the events in this place. We share with you part of the interview.
“Currently there are three officially open centers in the world, founded by the Mir Medjugorje Information Center and the Medjugorje parish office. One of them is the center for German-speaking countries, for Germany, Austria, Switzerland… 12 years ago, the center for Spanish-speaking countries was also created, covering 23 countries, and this third center for English-speaking countries was founded on June 25 of this year. The directors of all these centers were present at this bilingual conference.”
“My impression is that people, not only in the United States but everywhere, are thirsty for God. Every person, even atheists, has a thirst and hunger for the meaning of life. Every person wants to be happy. For us Catholics, it is easier, and heaven has given us the opportunity to approach the Lord more quickly through the apparitions of the Virgin. The conclusion of all pilgrims is that they feel better, they feel different, and they make decisions for change for the rest of their lives. No one has left Medjugorje without being changed,” said Friar Danko Perutina.
The apostolic visitor with special character for the parish of Medjugorje, Archbishop Aldo Cavalli, added: “The entire revelation is based on two important things: on one hand, God, and on the other, human. Between God and human, God has placed some special people who bring God to human and human to God. Evangelizing means that between God and all human beings, there is the Gospel and the Lord Jesus. He is the God of peace, between God and human, and vice versa. The new evangelization means that, in the Lord Jesus, I place myself between God and human. I bring the Gospel to human beings, and I bring human to the Gospel and to God. Only in this way can I work and participate in evangelization, so that it is deeply rooted in the Lord Jesus and in today’s world. Anyone who achieves that evangelizes. The center of Medjugorje is the Lord Jesus and Mary who accompanies us to Jesus. Hundreds of thousands of people who come from all over the world are filled with the Lord Jesus. When they return to their homes, they return filled with Jesus, filled with the Gospel… They live like everyone else, but because they are Christians, they bring the Gospel to the world. In that sense, Medjugorje has a great task, it has a great mission, so that people who stay there for three, four, or five days are filled with the grace of Jesus and return to their environment, which is the environment in which we all live, but they return to those environments as true Christians,” said Monsignor Aldo Cavalli, and called Medjugorje “a place of grace.”